Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Change is in the air Part 4 or we cut down the trees in our backyard

Last winter (December 2010) we did the unthinkable and had all the pines within the chain link fence cut down.  It broke my heart but it needed to be done.  At least that's what I tell myself.  One of the trees was leaning at a 45 degree angle toward our dinning room.  I truely believe that the only reason it was standing was because it was trapped in the branches of  another tree.  If those branches snapped... well it would not be pretty.

Cutting trees down, especially big trees that are near a house, can be expensive.  The pecan and an evergreen of unknown variety in the front yard set us back $800.00.  A loblolly pine in our side yard between the house and power lines cost $1000.00 to remove.  We had lots of trees.  I was afraid it would be cheaper to move than to have the trees cut down.  We called timber companies offering to give them the trees but they weren't interested.  We called tree companies and landscape companies and then we met an angel.  He came out, took one look, and said: "I think you need some help".  His quote to remove all the pines in the back yard was...drum roll please.... $5,000.00.   I couldn't believe it, for $5,000.00 he would cut down, and haul off 26 very large trees.

One of the men on the crew high in a tree

There were 4 men on the crew.  They worked non stop for 3 1/2 days.  Their first day on site we still had snow on the ground.  They arrived on time, respected our property, did one hell of a job.  I'd recommend them to anyone though I have to say they are not in the tree business. They are a landscape installation and maintenance company and would much rather take care of your trees then cut them down.

Work done by:
Green Tree Landscaping

View of house before tree removal

Christmas 2010 it snowed.  They began work the week after Christmas.

View of house after tree removal

December 30, 2010.  The crew has finished, leaving behind a very happy home owner.

As you can see in the pictures we still have a lot of trees.  But now sun gets to the property and we can begin the process of preparing the yard for a new and exciting landscape.  And when the time comes and our pocket book recovers we'll have the other 50+ pines removed.  

When the time comes we know who to call.

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