Monday, November 3, 2014

The Basil and the Bees

This year we grew African Basil as an ornamental and Genovese Basil for everything else.  Else meaning to eat fresh, make pesto and freeze for use over the winter. It's hard deciding when enough is enough.  But with limited freezer space (and a partner who said: "I really think we have enough" and "Maybe we shouldn't grow so much basil next year".) the decision was made. We had harvested what we needed (we must have 2 pounds worth of basil in the freezer) and shared with friends.

The decision was made.  All basil would be allowed to go to seed. Bees love basil and why be greedy.  We really did have enough.  Let the bees enjoy.

And that's exactly what they've been doing. For the past month bees of all types have been enjoying the thousands of tiny flowers covering our basil plants.

 Last night we had the first hard freeze of the season. The basil plants are now a brown mush and we have some very confused and frustrated bees. What was there in abundance the day before is now gone. I'll be adding what's left of the plants to our compost pile. They will provide nourishment for plants next season. And hopefully more bees...all types of bees.